Personally I dislike this feature, but it’s an addition to the game. You have the option to run the game with a mouse, but honestly I’ve never understood how anybody can drive a car with a mouse (in computer races I mean). This means you’ll have more control over the car and that the car can even spin out of control. So you’re turning it on order to drive and you have to turn it back in order to go straight again. In the lower right part of the screen you’ll also see the steering wheel. That’s right, if you hit something you’ll explode and if you come to the end of the road, or hit your car too many times the game will be over (even if the time won’t run out yet). The difference between the two cars (at least according to the game) are that a Ferrari can’t jump, while Mercedes jumps all the time, the Ferrari has the possibility to explode and unlike a Mercedes a Ferrari does have a steering wheel. This time you won’t be driving a Mercedes either, it’s a red Ferrari. Then there’s the obstacles on the road, the gear shift (although only from low to high) and there’s forks in the road where you can turn off the main highroad.

OK, first off you notice the better (and I mean much better) EGA graphics. So this is the second part of the Crazy Car games and the fact it came out only a year after the first game doesn’t really mean the people at Titus spent a whole lot of time on making improvements over the first part.